Laüra Hollick | How to make a vision board that works

How to make a vision board that works

January 29, 2012

It all started with a vision!

Years ago I had a dream of a lifestyle and business that made my heart sing. I became passionately focused on making that dream a reality.

Vision Boards became my tool of choice. After much trial and error I discovered some tricks and strategies for making my Vision Boards powerful manifesting tools.

Now I regularly use Vision Boards to clarify my ideas and manifest my dreams.

I created this video to share 5 Tips for making Vision Boards that works.

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Creating a Vision Board that works is a blend of creative magic and clear strategy.

I make a new Vision Board at the start of every new project. Here is my most recent Vision Board.

What dreams do you want to manifest in your life?

How can you use the 5 Tips in this video to create your Vision Board that works?
