Laüra Hollick | Why we wear masks

Why we wear masks

January 22, 2012

Have you ever felt like a fake?

I have!

When I worked as a truck driver I felt like I was wearing a mask pretending to be someone I wasn’t. It was so frustrating to keep my true self in hiding.

If you’ve ever worn a mask and felt like your true self was hiding this video is made for you!

Learn why we wear masks and how to peel them off.

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If you find yourself wearing a constrictive mask that is concealing your true self  here are…

5 Tips to Peel off the Masks that Constrict You

1. Recognize that you are wearing a mask.

2. Ask yourself: Is this mask expanding me or constricting me?

3. Ask yourself: What am I afraid of?

4. Ask yourself: How can I bring more love into the areas where I am afraid?

5. Practice being your expanded self!


Not all masks are bad. Some masks expand us into the person we dream of being.

Here is an image of some of my masks both expanding and constricting.

‘Mask Family Portrait’, Laüra Hollick in various masks. Hand mask painting/ hair/makeup Sue Upton. Photo by Kevin Thom.


I would love to hear about your masks!
How would you describe your expanding masks and how would you describe your constricting masks?
