Laüra Hollick | A message from the Journal Fairy

A message from the Journal Fairy

January 7, 2015

I was dreaming of all the possibilities for my art and business this week and started journaling to capture all the ideas that were flowing.

While I was writing I felt like the Journal Fairy visited me and gave me all kinds of questions to play with to help bring my ideas to life.

She wants to share her magic with you too…

Journal questions from the Journal Fairy

1. What are the most exciting ideas you would like to explore this year?

2. What would you like to stop doing this year?

3. What small changes would make the biggest difference in your life this year?

4. How would you know if you were living the life of your dreams?

5. Where could you invite more magic into your life?


When the Journal Fairy visits you what kind of questions does she inspire in you?
