Laüra Hollick | Global Vision Quest Channeled Drawing

Global Vision Quest Channeled Drawing

October 21, 2012

Guest blog post – by Antonia Wibke Heidelmann
Visionary Channel Artist & Magnetic Image Designer

Global Vision Quest Channeled drawing

This Global Vision Quest channeled drawing manifested with the intention to receive Divine Guidance and support for the Global Vision Quest initiated through Laüra Hollick.

I attuned and centered my energy field using my voice as a channel before I began to draw. You can listen the Sound Cloud here:

The way the drawing manifested is revealing it’s message to me as follows:

From the swirl of the divine feminine and masculine source (lilac and blue spiral at the left bottom), two paths are created to follow the flowing waters of life to be reunited in  the heart center where with the breath of spirit the fires of our passion are inflamed.

On this path the whale in the deep waters reminds us of the ancient wisdom that can be unlocked from our body’s cellular memory through relationship to oneself and each other (what looks like bubbles reminds me of the shape of the cells connected to form a tissue or organ, body or relational or co-creative collective consciousness).

There is an empty field like shape (on the right side) that is ours to plant, grow and harvest what we are here to create in this life and from which we grow (green plant) and connect with spirit (figure with the lilac hair).

Through this connection our fires keep burning, some tears are shed and from the breathing and being in the center of our sacred human heart we are able to unveil or open up to see multi-dimensionally (rainbow eye) into the essence of our being (star in the eye) and connect with the cosmic space and mystic creatures (the eyelashes look like antennae in rainbow colors) pointing to the space and the stars and lead to the mermaid figure on top – a symbol of a sensuality, freedom, love, mystery, flow, effortless being.

What seems to me the crystallized message here in support of finding our iconic essence in this Global Vision Quest:

Dive deep into your internal waters and relationships, dance to the feminine and masculine union, look at what grows in your life and see how it all connects back into the heart through your breath of life. What you love, who you love, what fires up your passion is what opens you up to your iconic essence. The key is in the wisdom of our bodies and relationships that we grow that are supported and embraced by the breath of spirit.

*Guest blog post of Global Vision Quest Channeled drawing and reading by
Antonia Wibke Heidelmann


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