Laüra Hollick | Being Living Art

Being Living Art

March 1, 2014

In celebration of my TEDx talk called You are the Art  I was featured on the Cover of View Magazine this week.

Feels like coming full circle. I used to write an art column for View Magazine when I was starting my career and finding my voice as an artist. Now, I’m able to share the insights I’ve gathered from my journey while continuing to evolve my expression.


When creating the cover image I wanted to make a costume that expressed the concept of being art. So I gathered  some art supplies including my old pencil crayons, wool, pencils and powdered paint pigment to create this image.  The final image was able to fully come into reality with the brilliant eye of photographer Kevin Thom and the unique artistry of make-up artist Sue Upton.

While making the cover image we filmed a behind the scenes video to capture the creative process.

Watch the making of the cover and see me transform into living art…


Do you want to create your life as art?
To create yourself as art you need to understand what kind of creative spirit you are.

To guide and inspire you to connect with your own unique creative spirit, I created a free quiz called: What kind of Creative Spirit Are you?

Try it and find out here.


Discover what kind of creative spirit you are!
