Laüra Hollick | When Disaster Strikes

When Disaster Strikes

September 3, 2014

What do you do when disaster strikes?

I recently experienced a complete creative disaster and I’m still processing it.

In retrospect it always makes sense, but while you’re in the clutches of chaos it can storm over the greatest intentions.

Watch and see my creative disaster….

While I’m processing creative disasters, like this one,  I enjoy having a good laugh and a good cry, in which ever order comes first.  Anything that allows the energy to flow through feels good. Any resistance only prolongs the pain and frustration.

For now, I am beginning to receive the insights of this cleansing storm and am eager to get back to work on the painting.

I’m definitely looking forward to sharing the completed mural with you when it happens. Or should I say when the universe wants it to happen!

I’d love to hear what you do when disaster strikes in your life.

Share your thoughts in the comments on how you BE with your moments of chaos.
