Laüra Hollick | Birth the nü you

Birth the nü you

December 16, 2012
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As the nü year is fast approaching I feel a mixture of emotions. I feel an urgency to create nü visions along with a deep need for rest.

I’ve discovered these are the perfect conditions for birthing nü projects and setting nü ideas in motion.

Soul Art Studio is going through a huge re-branding, re-organizing and re-birthing process right now. It feels like giving birth to an exquisite Bird Dragon.

‘Birthing’ Laüra Hollick birthing nü visions. Photo by Kevin Thom.

Are you feeling the desire to birth nü ideas or re-birth an aspect of yourself?

To support you in your own birthing process all the journeys in the Soul Art Store are 33% off until December 31st.

Soul Art Store

Now is the time to birth your dreams and create your life as the expression of who you are born to be.

Start your Soul Art Journey today!

Soul Art Store

Shop at the Soul Art Store here!




