Laüra Hollick | Let Yourself Be Seen

Let Yourself Be Seen

January 23, 2011
Red Tree Forest

'Red Tree' Imagined by Laüra Hollick. Costume, model, Laüra Hollick. Photographed by Kevin Thom.

Let yourself be seen.
Allowing yourself to be fully seen for the creative spiritual being that you are is one of the most empowering things you can do to step into the New Paradigm.

The New Paradigm thrives on the expression of your true essence.

The BIG ‘Shift’ that everyone is talking about is a shift in perception, awareness and belief systems. As we ‘shift’ our beliefs to deeper alignment with our true essence we create new DNA codes. This is how the New Paradigm is created.

In order to step in to the New Paradigm, there is a lot of clearing that needs to happen on a subconscious level to release the deeply lodged stories of the Old Paradigm.

Here are some examples of Old Paradigm thinking:

“It is dangerous to express yourself fully”

“Don’t let anyone find out who you really are.”

“Who you are isn’t enough.”

“Your only value is in becoming like someone else.”

“You can’t have a career as an artist because you won’t make any money.”

“Your talents are a cute hobby, but get a real job.”

If a belief depletes your energy, that is a sure sign it is an outdated idea.

Likewise, if an idea uplifts your energy when you think of it, you’ll know it is coming from the New Paradigm.

Here are some examples of New Paradigm thinking:

“Knowing myself is my greatest asset.”

“My work is to know myself and contribute my unique creative spiritual gifts to this world.”

“I am valuable.”

“I am loved for being myself.”

“I am inspired to share who I am with others.”

“I celebrate myself and others for their unique creative spiritual gifts.”

“I express myself fully because I know that is the expression of wealth.”

“I believe I am a valuable member of the World Tribe.”

“I am supported on my path because I am connected to the Whole.”

The first step to transforming your own belief systems
into alignment with the New Paradigm is becoming aware of the stories and belief systems you hold in your DNA.

Here are some questions to help you deepen your awareness and support you to step into the New Paradigm:

1. If you really could live the life of your dreams what would that look like?

2. What beliefs come up when you imagine going for your dreams?

3. What shift is needed in your perception so you can embody your dreams?

4. If you put your New Paradigm lens on, where do you see proof of what is possible for you?

5. What is one thing you can do to align yourself with your true essence?

*Please post your thoughts and feelings about entering the New Paradigm*
