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Experience this FREE creative ritual
guided by Laura Hollick

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Transform your Core Wound into healing power!

Your Core Wound is a portal to your power

Your Core Wound is the underlying rupture that creates symptoms of chaos, dis-ease, lack, overwhelm, depression, insecurity, self-doubt, conflict, and fear. It can wreak havoc on your finances, relationships, health, career, and overall sense of joy and belonging in the world.

Your Core Wound is invisible, but it is made visible in the ways it acts out in your life.

Healing your Core Wound is a spiritual experience that restores wholeness where once there was rupture. Through art and creativity, you can activate your healing and find your way home to your thriving well-being.

Experience this illuminating Soul Art® creative ritual to transform your deepest wounds into wellsprings of power.

Join Laura Hollick for this live exploration into the art of turning scars into stars. Sign up now to awaken the transformative healing power within.

Heal Your Core Wound with Soul Art

You will also receive Laura Hollick’s Pure Inspiration newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time. Please see our Privacy Policy.

Art activates healing!

It’s time to embrace your story, sketch your pain, and dance your shadows into the light.

The Heal your Core Wound with Soul Art creative ritual activates deep healing in your life.

When you sign up, you’ll get access to the live guided creative ritual to Heal Your Core Wound with Soul Art, and you’ll receive a downloadable journal to play with the process.

You don’t need any art experience to benefit from this simple creative ritual. All you need is the desire to heal and the courage to be creative.

About Soul Art® creator Laura Hollick

Laura Hollick is an award-winning artist and creator of Soul Art®. Through her own creative healing journey, Laura developed the Soul Art processes that have gone on to inspire hundreds of thousands of people around the world through global art events like International Soul Art Day, Soul Art School, and the Soul Art Certification.

BRAVO TV created a documentary about Laura’s art and life called “The Artist’s Life-Laura Hollick.” Laura hosted and produced over 500 radio shows for 93.3 FM CFMU called “The Artist’s Lifestyle.” Laura gave a TEDx talk called “You are the Art.”

You can heal!

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Content © Soul Art Studio Inc. “Soul Art” is a registered trademark of Soul Art Studio Inc.